JUMPANGEL dESIGN is a studio operated mostly by just me, Magdalena Rangel. On these pages you will find some of my latest works and ideas. Some pages (perhaps even, something I might be working on with you!) need passwords, when some of the work is still in progress or under option. Thank you for teaming up!
You may contact design@jumpangel.com

JUMPANGEL dESIGN is a studio operated mostly by just me, Magdalena Rangel. On these pages you will find some of my latest works and ideas. Some pages (perhaps even, something I might be working on with you!) need passwords, when some of the work is still in progress or under option. Thank you for teaming up!


New Imprint Relatos de Tierra Firme‘s inaugural book design by JumpAngel dEsign

And from JumpAngel Press, Young Heart Menagerie

More About Magdalena
Has been working with digital and traditional media for over 30 years through a variety of projects in video, film, storyboarding, online, print, T.V. Stations, web building, logo design, web banners, branding.
Also manages and at times write articles or translations for lenguafranca.net a site dedicated to bridging the English/Spanish divide.
Extensive background in the digital graphic arts, as well as broadcast (post-production film and video), and traditional media. Have worked with studios, production companies and corporate organizations, as well as individual clients.
To say ‘traditional media’ is to say that Magdalena was a Fine Arts Mayor and has a BFA in drawing and painting. Magdalena also holds a Master (MFA) degree from the UCLA film school.
Most frequent digital tools now are those in the Adobe suite, notably: Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, After Effects, InDesign, Media Encoder, Flash among others. WordPress front end designer, WordPress is a very versatile CMS platform for building websites. Jumpangel Design is also a production company ready to fill the needs of production on a contract basis. Ideally a production artist and visual designer is working in conjunction with a team consisting of a software programmer, writer and production manager, for a more robust website.
Digital Canon SLR 77D Camera with various lenses and the rest of the paraphernalia (tripods, etc).
Fully bilingual. Certifications for translating and interpreting Spanish/English.
Entertainment: Paramount Studios, Touchtone Pictures, Polygram Pictures, Virgin Records.
Through the American Video Factory production and post-production house many corporate animated illustration pieces for Hughes Aircraft, Garret, Unisys, State Farm.
Digital: Starwave, a pre-broadband enterprise through Vulcan enterprises. As Development Artist and art director,she was involved in the prototyping of some CD-Rom projects, including an award-winning CD ROM for Peter Gabriel called EVE.
Magdalena is one of the Starwave ‘alumni’. Starwave was a Paul Allen company dedicationg to exploring “broadband” (when broadband was just an dream-mid 90’s) projects to be prepared for the future to come. For an extended time, even after Starwave morphed into several other companies (including ESPN.com and Disney.com), she continued to collaborate with the Paul Allen Group (now integrated into Vulcan.com). Notably, web site prototypes for EMP (now MoPop.com), FirstandGoal.com (planning stages website of the Seahawks stadium, now the century Field Stadium), a vanity site for Paul Allen called The Wired World of Paul Allen that was his own portfolio site showing all he owned. (very impressive holdings), the Seattle Seahawks Team, (seahawks.com), and APEX Online Learning now ApexLearningVS.
Born and partially raised in Venezuela of American mother and Venezuelan father, a natural born American Citizen by law, through her mother. Finished High School in the U.S. in upstate New York’s Cornwall Central High School. Went to Junior College in New York State at Middletown SUNY and Art School in New York City (School of Visual Arts) and Los Angeles (Otis College of Art and Design, and UCLA), receiving a BFA and MFA in Fine Arts, and Film/Video/Animation, respectively. Was also lecturer in the film department at the UCLA film school, and at UCLA Extension.
Past community activities when living in Los Angeles: The Independent Film Oasis Collective, a nonprofit screening organization; member of the co-op preschool of Rancho Park; Animation workshops for children at the L.A. County Art Museum.

Community activities when living in Vashon Island, WA, and Seattle included being a regular parent volunteer in the art class room, first with the 1st to 3rd teacher and then with the 4th to 5th teacher. Fundraising activities for the various schools her daughters were in, on Vashon Island and Seattle. Of special note, at Hazel Wolf High School, now Seattle Waldorf School, Magdalena was their print designer and web-master during her older daughter’s tenure at the school. In addition to being a member of their outreach committee, and main procurer for their school auctions. She was a key contributor to the development of the pioneering all-grade Spanish curriculum program at the John Hay Elementary in Queen Anne, Seattle by being in their Spanish Committee, and an enthusiastic volunteer in the Spanish classroom when her younger daughter was attending that school. The Spanish committee was also ostensibly the Fiesta Committee, since they were in charge of organizing the big yearly event at the school. Involvement in various park and festivals and arts organization auctions on Vashon Island. In all these, she donated either service hours, or artwork, or both.
ADDITIONAL TEAM -producers. programers, production assistants.

These are involved on a contractual basis.
You may contact design@jumpangel.com